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Our advanced skilled Doula Teams train and support both in-person and virtually!
Symbiotic Birth: Prepare to overcome challenges associated in giving birth with as few medical interventions as possible~ Experience Your Birth Your Way ~Avoid common obstacles~ Reduce unnecessary pain~ Enhance your relationship through a teamwork approach and Return Joy to the birth process! Let us show you how!

Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Sep 5, 20238 min read
How to prepare for symbiotic birth in a hospital setting and execute a happier “BIRTH” day!
Mom Sade wants to challenge other black moms to get busy becoming healthier versions of themselves long before labor and birth.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Jun 9, 202312 min read
Pain Management during labor... that is the question.
Couple shares why they believe more black moms should consider taking proactive steps to lower their own childbirth risks.

Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Mar 3, 20234 min read
Frank breech birth at home for Fit mom on fire🔥
My name is Staci Freed, formerly a certified personal trainer, and now mom of four. If you are pregnant or plan to be, I hope you will...
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Feb 10, 202310 min read
Water Labor ends with Land Birth
Second time mom, overcomes back labor challenges to avoid epidural and attempt a water birth at Prisma Greenville hospital.
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Nikki Reeves
Dec 27, 20223 min read
It's never too late to train & hire a doula
Drug free labor can be achieved with training from a Your Birth Helper® doula
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Dec 17, 20227 min read
Couple shares birth experience utilizing natural childbirth training from Your Birth Helper®
I helped my wife achieve the birth of her dreams... I also helped birth my own baby.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Dec 13, 20224 min read
Too bad they don't give epidural refunds!
Brionna & Spencer both intended on avoiding induction with their second pregnancy. They educated, trained and prepared for a low...
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Jul 9, 202215 min read
Suffering from pregnancy anxiety & childbirth fears? Use these tips to calm your mind during labor.
Couple shares tips to reduce pregnancy anxiety and childbirth fears in regards to giving birth naturally.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Nov 15, 20212 min read
Catching Baby #2
Couple works to avoid induction, manage labor drug-free and give birth naturally to baby #2,
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Nov 15, 20212 min read
Natural labor and Natural Birth this time around!
Third time mom avoids induction and achieves her natural childbirth in less than 2 hours of active labor.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Oct 23, 20211 min read
DJ Sir Charles & his wife Gabrielle of Charlotte, Nc welcome Amazing Grace
Another power couple overcomes labor obstacles including PROM to give birth vaginally and avoid c-section.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
May 29, 20215 min read
Local chiropractor shares FEAR has no place in natural childbirth
Local Chiropractor shares her natural birth and growing family tips
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Apr 30, 20218 min read
Fit Mom on Fire 🔥
Meet Staci Freed a mom, wife and local fitness trainer in Athens, Ga. Meet Justin supportive husband and father who recently helped catch...
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Mar 13, 20217 min read
Our breech baby altered our target birth plan
Sometimes, despite all of our planning and preparation, things can unexpectedly change in the early weeks of pregnancy and miscarriage...
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Dec 5, 20203 min read
Here we grow again...
Couple faced a variety of medical challenges after arriving at the hospital too soon. They elected to admit despite suggestions to go home.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Nov 3, 20204 min read
Navigating Challenges
If she experienced repeat surgery, she could have an enjoyable birth experience with Piedmont OBGYN, Atrium Health Pineville, NC.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Oct 31, 20202 min read
To stick to the birth plan or not? That was the question!
Charlotte, NC Mom labors with third baby during Covid, her husband coaching and overcomes obstacles to birth epidural-free.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Oct 31, 20201 min read
Welcome Miss Lottie born October 13th, 2020
Charlotte moms trains with Your Birth Helper virtually and with virtual doula services successfully achieves natural birth.
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Sep 9, 20208 min read
Christ centered "birth"day during Covid_19
Managing a natural birth in a hospital setting during pandemic
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Pamela Sauls, CMT, CCE, YBHD
Aug 15, 20208 min read
The day the stars aligned...
Surprise a baby is on the way! The natural birth journey of Charlotte couple Cara & Bryan with support from Your Birth Helper.
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